Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Mathman 2008
Unfortunately, we think that one of these might have also killed off my platelet producing capability. Pat and I spent 3 weeks over the Christmas and New Years holidays locked away in a hospital room while MDA doctors tried to figure out why this was happening. Shortly before the Christmas break my platelet counts began dropping - first slowly, then very fast - down to nearly nothing. The counts were so low that I could have faced a calamity were I to fall and injure myself. So, they began a program to infuse me with donated platelets - daily. After three weeks of this we finally decided to come home. The platelet problem is still not solved. I encouraged the team to solve math problems with me and to bring their graphing calculators - ahh, but still no progress.
So, keep those prayers coming. Thank you all of you who donated platelets and kept up our morale with calls and visits and cards. To Mrs. Moore's math class, thanks for that great poster. Please know that it was mounted in my hospital room for all to see and it helped my spirits. You kept helping us deal with all the ups and downs - even though I looked like Wolfman Jack! They would not let me shave for fear I might cut myself! Pat liked the beard, but I thought I resembled Ernest Hemingway. I finally got Pat to get out the hair clippers and asked her to cut the beard off. I am now my handsome self.
With Love
Mike Mathman Sheridan
Monday, September 3, 2007
Summer's Over
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father's Day Update
Hello friends. Its been a long time since I last updated my blog. Much has happened- many good things. It is Father's Day, June 2007. As far as the cancer goes, I underwent two separate clinical trials this Spring and failed them both. Each caused a violent reaction in me that caused MD Anderson and us to rethink what we are doing. Right now the three brain tumors are not growing and I seem to be in possession of my mental faculties (Some might argue that I was never in possession of these). We are waiting two weeks to let the most recent chemotherapy wash out of my system before we plan the next course of action.
As you can see from the picture at the left, my two daughters Tiffany (on the left - my right) and Michelle (the taller one to my left) have grown nicely. They are beautiful, loving daughters shown enjoying being with Dad on Father's day. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. As you can see, I retain my handsome good looks. The family will tell you that I also am still "without a doubt."
To my students! Mathman lives! I continue to live on the surface of this oblate spheroid and to imagine what life would be like in Non Euclidean space. I continue to mainain that pie are not square but very much round and that I can't imagine anything more beautiful than e^Pie(i)+1=zero.
I look forward to this next school year at Conroe High School, home of the Tigers and continuing the Mathman legend.
Love to all. Mike Mathman Sheridan
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Round Two
Saturday, January 27, 2007
American Idyl
Hi folks! Well, it was a great day for the race. That's the human race of course. And, so far so good with the Mathman. At the left you see the old man before hair loss. At the right, that same man's good side after hair loss.
Hope all you math kids out there are doing your homework. Working hard and not hardly working.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Week Three
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Mathman is now Maskman
Well, the radiation thing is in its second day. Now its a one-two punch deal with radiation in the morning and chemotherapy in the evening. Has to go on for six weeks and then they'll see if I am making progress. Its not that bad an experience. However, this sort of reminds me what it was like growing up with 3 older brothers. Back then it felt so good when I was being picked on by all three of them and one of them would stop. It felt great when only two of them picked on me. With four boys in the family we pretty much drove my sister and mom crazy with our constant wrestling and fighting. Ahh, the good life.
The doctors, nurses, physicians assistants, administrators, are all very nice and there sure are a lot of them! Most of all, my wonderful wife is bearing up like a good soldier. Awfully glad I live in the US of A and especially in the great state of Texas. Thanks for all your wonderful comments. Not too sure who all of you are by the coding on the messages, but your thoughts are most welcome.