Saturday, January 27, 2007

American Idyl

Hi folks! Well, it was a great day for the race. That's the human race of course. And, so far so good with the Mathman. At the left you see the old man before hair loss. At the right, that same man's good side after hair loss.

Now don't scroll down unless you are ready for a shock. Some improvements were made (I know its hard to improve on perfection) but nonetheless, here goes. First of all is the Scottish Regimental Earflap edition. Check it out.

Next is the Lawn Mower edition. Don't scroll down if you are at all squeemish. The photo you are about to see might be a bit shocking. Don't worry, I am doing OK and will know soon whether I have defeated the beast. I fully intend to do so. That way I can get back to school and lead the life I was intended for.

Unfortunately the lawn mower was set too low and scalped things a bit. Above and to the right of the ear you can see where I caught a fast ball from my brother playing catch out in the driveway when I was a kid. You can see the stitching. I went into the house and told my mom. However, she got upset for me for "telling on my brother."

Hope all you math kids out there are doing your homework. Working hard and not hardly working.

Please know how much I miss all of you and am counting upon you to work hard and learn all you can.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Week Three

Hi out there on the prairie. As you can see, my looks have been improved. What a man. Still have my hair, although they say I'm going to lose some of it. Ah heck, its only hair.
Going along, singing a song, radiation every week day and chemo every evening. Making lots of new friends and enjoying life. It is precious.
To all my friends thank you for your kindness and support. I am truly blessed. To all my students, make sure you do your homework! Hope you are working hard!
Some of the benefits of this ordeal: Getting time to do the crossword puzzle each day in the newspaper, Ice Cream after radiation, Back Seat Driving while my wife drives me to Radiation (not sure if this is really a benefit -it is scary), Reading all the cards, letters, and emails that lift me up, Spending more time with my grandchildren, watching Beauty and the Geek on TV. I wonder; since I wore a holster for my slide rule in high school and had glasses held together with tape, would I have qualified for this show?