Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Week Three

Hi out there on the prairie. As you can see, my looks have been improved. What a man. Still have my hair, although they say I'm going to lose some of it. Ah heck, its only hair.
Going along, singing a song, radiation every week day and chemo every evening. Making lots of new friends and enjoying life. It is precious.
To all my friends thank you for your kindness and support. I am truly blessed. To all my students, make sure you do your homework! Hope you are working hard!
Some of the benefits of this ordeal: Getting time to do the crossword puzzle each day in the newspaper, Ice Cream after radiation, Back Seat Driving while my wife drives me to Radiation (not sure if this is really a benefit -it is scary), Reading all the cards, letters, and emails that lift me up, Spending more time with my grandchildren, watching Beauty and the Geek on TV. I wonder; since I wore a holster for my slide rule in high school and had glasses held together with tape, would I have qualified for this show?


MathMom said...

Oh, Goody! A new post!

You're looking great, and everyone here is pulling for you. Thanks for the updates on your progress.

I like the hat! More than that, I like the smile.


Jamie said...

Hey Mathman,

I'm really glad you came up to the school to visit! It was fantastic for all of us to get to see you! I'm glad you're doing as good as is possible, and keeping up your spirits (like we'd expect anything less).

Love always,
Jamie N.

darcie said...

Wow, I don't know if the hat is better looking than the mug it is on, or the mug just looks better with the hat. Keep us posted and I am glad to hear your are getting to spend some quality time with the grandkids. If I had only known what fun they can be.

I am also glad to hear you got to visit the kids at school. Of course Josh doesn't tell me these things.

Keep focused and keep us posted.

Darcie and Shorty

Eder said...

Mr sheridan,

What can I say? The camera loves ya. Hope you're getting along pretty well.


Mary said...

Well Mr. S -- You are really STYLIN' AND PROFILIN' with that hat! And yes, I also wonder if you could have qualified for the Beauty and the Geek... But which one are you??? Hmmmmm......

Keep up the spirits. Keep up the blogs!

Brittany and Mary Ketcher

Catherine said...

Hi Mike-

Just thinking about you....too bad I didn't get to see you at school. I am glad to hear that someone else loves "Beauty and the Geek"...I always get strange looks when I tell people I watch that show. What a cutie you are in the hat! And no, you would never be a "geek"!!! Love ya, Catherine Eaves

Sarosh Ahmed, SPT said...

Mr. Sheridan!
A) You're way too handsome to be a geek, despite the slide rule holster.
B) It was fantastic to see you and Pat again. When's the next visit?
C) I love integrals!

BethC said...

just stopping by to say hello, and you have terrific students. So much cheer and encouragement. I like your pic, and you are missed around here at CHS.

Crystal said...

Hi Mike,
Greg and I are thinking about you. I thought you would like to know about my new binary clock that I got for Christmas. It is great telling time in base 2. I even taught little Mercedes how to read and write time in binary. Keep the posts coming; we enjoy reading them. In fact we have your blog on RSS feed so we are always updated. Love ya!

Debbie said...

Hi Mike / Uncle Michael!
You look wonderful in your picture. I really enjoy reading all your blogs. You're so trendy having a blog and so obviously well loved by all. You are always in our thoughts and prayers all the way over here in Rhode Island. If anyone can beat this thing, it's you. Always remember that you are a SHERiDAN.
We love you.
Debbie Alex & Alyssa

kara.brooke said...

Hi Mr. Sheridan, how are you doing? i read your blogs, and you seem to be doing well.

We love you!!!

Sort of off topic, because Dr. Parker told me to ask you, I have a question about what i can do for my scheduling. I really hate to be asking stupid questions like this, but i was instructed to.

Well,I don't think that it would be a smart idea to take calculus bc next year. So, instead, i want to take statistics, but it is only allowed as a 2nd math. I would need your permission to take stat. as a primary math course instead of calculus bc.

Okay, well i am glad to know that you are doing well, and once again, i feel terrible asking you a question like this.

Have a good day Mr. Sheridan, and keep walkin' along singin' a song!

love you!

Drew Kedzie said...

Hey Mr. Sheridan!

Mrs. Booker sent me the link to your blog; you look great! I heard about your condition a couple of months ago. I let all your former students (that I knew at least) at TWHS know about it. There was talk of making a huge get-well-soon card, but I'm not sure if Christina (Hughes) ever found enough people. I'll be sure to let everybody know that you're doing great and on a fast track to getting well!

It's always a great day for math...

-Drew Kedzie

cindi said...

Hey Mike!
You seem to be an old pro at this blogging business! Good for you!
Hope you are getting through the tough stuff all right. You sure are fortunate to have such a wonderful support team. I agree with what Marian (the first comment to this blog) said:
"I like the hat! More than that, I like the smile."

jeff z. said...

hey mr. sheridan! good to see you're doing so well!

(ps, if you were on B&tG, you would completely pwn the n00bzors - i mean, win.)

- j. zhao